Canon has launched the EOS M50 4K mirrorless camera in India. It features DIGIC 8 processor with a 24.1megapixel sensor. The new DIGIC 8 Image Processor with HD 120p high-frame video rate and built-in OLED electronic Viewfinder with touch and drag autofocus.
It has a 24.1MP APS-C CMOS sensor which produces less noise and high definition in low-light situations. It comes with a new silent mode and features a Vari-Angle LCD touchscreen and connectivity options include Wi-Fi, NFC, and Bluetooth for automatic image transfer to compatible devices while shooting. It is capable of continuous shooting at up to 10 fps (One-Shot AF), and has an expanded ISO of up to 51200
- 24.1 megapixel APS-C CMOS Sensor (featuring an improved Dual Pixel CMOS AF)
- DIGIC 8 image processor, supporting ISO 100 – 25600 (expandable to 51200)
- An improved Dual Pixel CMOS AF system enables better AF subject detection, acquisition and tracking precision over a wider area with up to 143 AF points2 covering 88% horizontal by 100% vertical area of the screen when a compatible lens is attached.
- New and enhanced features include Eye Detection AF, a “Small” AF frame size option, the use of defocus mapping for subject tracking, and a denser, larger Zone AF area
- Vari-angle touchscreen LCD monitor endows users with the freedom to shoot from different camera angles.
- 0.39 type, approx. 2.36 million-dot OLED EVF
- Movie shooting in 4K 23.98p / 25p
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, NFC
- 5-axis image stabilization during movie shooting (Combination IS) ensures that even footage shot while walking is seamless with minimal shaking, especially when a compatible lens is attached.
- 875mAh LP-E12 Battery Pack
Canon EOS M50 Kit with EF-M15-45 IS STM lens is priced at Rs. 61,995 and is available across offline and Online Stores in India.
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