Apple is set to start assembling iPhones in India According to a latest PTI report, the company will start making iPhones in the country from April. The news comes a month after the government of Karnataka welcomed Apple’s proposal to begin “initial manufacturing operations” in Bangalore.
Karnataka IT Minister Priyank Kharge told PTI, fast growingApple is ready to start assembling high-end iPhones in less than a month. This will boost its chances of gaining a foot fast-growingIndian market. In less than a month, we will have something out – Apple will start assembling and making its high-end iPhones at its plant in the city. Taiwanese contract manufacturer company, Wistron Corp will help Apple in in the process.
Earlier this month, Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, the government has not accepted ‘most of the demands’ of iPhone maker Apple which wants to set up a manufacturing unit in India. Apple India has sought concessions including duty exemption on manufacturing and repair units, components, capital equipment and consumables for smartphone manufacturing and service/repair for a period of 15 years. In January this year, Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that India would consider Apple’s request for incentives to invest in the country with an “open mind.”
Kharge said if the Centre is keen on taking on China, it should not give special treatment to Apple alone, but to other players as well such as Samsung and Lenovo.
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