Honor 7X has a 16MP rear camera and secondary 2MP camera with LED flash, and 8MP front camera. Honor 7X Rear Camera can record Videos up to 1080P and the Front camera can record Videos up to 720P. Both front and a Rear camera have support for Portrait mode. The rear camera has wide aperture and Moving Picture modes. the Camera App includes Pro Photo, HDR, Night Shot, TimeLapse, Light Painting, SlowMo, Effects, Filter, panorama. Check out Camera Samples Below
Portrait |
with LED Flash |
Honor 7X is Priced at Rs 12,999 for 32GB storage and Rs 15,999 for 64GB storage. Daylight and Indoor lighting Pictures are good compared to Lowlight which looks average. Portrait mode works fine with Both Rear and front camera, You need to enable wide aperture to get bokeh effect for other Object. Video recording from Rear and front camera is not that Good. the front camera produces decent selfies.