Sony Mobile has finally announced the much-rumoured SmartBand 2. The main new feature it brings over its predecessor is the inclusion of advanced heart rate tracking. The tracker gives you a better insight to your fitness by monitoring your excitement and relaxation levels.
SmartBand 2 also works smartly with Sony Xperia phones, as the two can establish a connection and the wearable will notify you if you’re leaving further than 10 meters away from your phone. Apart from that, all other functionality of the Sony SmartBand 2 will be compatible with all Android and iOS devices running 4.4 KitKat (or higher) or iOS 8.2 (or higher), respectively.
Sony SmartBand 2 features a battery that recharges in just around an hour and it lasts a full two days. The wearable will be available in 60 countries globally (black and white colors initially, pink and indigo later on) in September 2015 for a price of $132 (119 euro).