After iOS Prisma has announced its beta app for Android users. It has only been available on iOS for a little over five weeks, yet it’s already the number one app in 40+ countries, and has been downloaded over 7.5 million times, generating 1.5 million daily active users.
Prisma is a very simple photo-editing app created by an app developer in Moscow, Russia. Users either select a photo from their smartphone or tablet’s image library or take an image with the camera and then select one of 33 different filters inspired by famous art styles like Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh, Munch, Levitan and Kandinsky, as well as popular patterns and ornaments like DC comic book illustrations.Within seconds, the app returns the result, which users can save to their devices and share on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
The applications also offers filters based on world famous ornaments and patterns, offering a unique combination of neural networks and artificial intelligence that helps you “turn memorable moments into timeless art” say its creators.
They are also working on Prisma Video feature, 360-degree Prisma images and a long list of new ‘styles’ for you to transform your favorite photos into eye-popping bits of digital art.
you need to go to, scroll down, and hit the “Sign up for news” button. After you type in your email and validate your subscription and they will begin sending out Android beta app invites to those that sign up, later today
Download Apk here
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