Honor today launched Honor 5X in India priced at Rs 12,999 which comes with a fingerprint scanner, a Metal body which is similar to Le1S which was launched in India last week priced at Rs 10,999. here is Comparison between LeEco Le 1S and Honor 5X
On Display, Both Smartphones comes with a 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD Display. Le 1S is powered by a 2.2GHz Octa-Core MediaTek Helio X10 (MT6795T) processor where as Honor 5X is powered by an Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 MSM8939 processor.
Le1s has a 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage with no MicroSD card.Honor 5xX comes with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage with MicroSD card.On connectivity, both devices come with 4G LTE, Both the smartphones feature a fingerprint scanner embedded at the back below the primary camera. In addition to unlocking the device, the scanners also support gestures to perform various functions.
Le 1S runs on Android Lollipop based EUI 5.5 which will be updated to Marshmallow in March and Honor 5X runs on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with EMUI 3.1 ..Both cameras have a 13MP rear camera and 5MP front facing a camera. Le 1S is packed with a 3000mAh Battery with fast charging support. Honor 5X has a same 3000mAh battery. Both smartphones feature a metal body.
Le 1s Vs Honor 5X
Display : 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) in-cell display | 5.5-inch (1080 x 1920 pixels) Full HD IPS display |
CPU: 2.2GHz Octa-Core Mediatek Helio X10 (MT6795T) processor | Octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 616 (MSM8939) (4×1.5GHz + 4×1.2GHz) processor |
PowerVR G6200 GPU | Adreno 405 GPU |
ROM 32GB internal storage | 16GB internal storage expandable memory up to 128GB with microSD |
Camera 13MP rear camera with LED flash, f/2.0 aperture, ISOCELL sensor | 13MP rear camera w/ LED flash |
5MP front camera | 5MP front camera |
Dual-SIM,4G LTE. 3G 4G LTE. 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n ,Bluetooth 4.0 | Dual-SIM,4G LTE. 3G 4G LTE. 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n ,Bluetooth 4.0 |
Fingerprint scanner | Fingerprint scanner |
Battery 3000mAh battery | 3000mAh battery |
OS- Android Lollipop based EUI 5.5 | Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with EMUI 3.1 |
Dimensions: 151.1x 74.2 x 7.5mm | 151.3×76.3×8.15mm |
Le1S is priced at Rs 10,999 where as Honor 5X is priced at 12,999. Le 1S has 3GB RAM where as Honor 5X has 2GB RAM, Honor 5X has MicroSD card support which lacks in Le1S. Le1S supports fast charging.
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