Lava recently launched VoLTE Feature Phone in India, Now According to new report Micromax is working on 4G VoLTE Support Feature Phone set to launch in India priced under Rs 2500
Micromax is also expected to release a smartphone with 4G VoLTE that will be priced below Rs. 3,500. The feature phone is said to be called as Bharat One, and the smartphone will be dubbed as Bharat Two. Both the phones will likely launch next month. Bharat Two will run on Android and would have integrated wallets for digital payment purposes. On the other hand, Bharat One will feature touch-and-type capability, and it won’t run on the Android OS.
Reliance Jio is planning to release its first feature phone with 4G VoLTE for Rs. 1299 later this month or next month.Micromax, the homegrown smartphone maker, has been losing its market share to the Chinese handset makers, and it has gone down from the top to the fifth position in the overall rankings in the market.
First look at Reliance Jio VoLTE Phone
Lava 4G Connect M1 feature phone with VoLTE Support launched at Rs 3333
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