OnePlus 3T will be powered by a Snapdragon 821 SoC with 6GB RAM and 64GB or 128GB internal storage. On camera it will come with 16MP Sony IMX398 Sensor and packed by a 3300mAh Battery. OnePlus 3T will also come in Black version
OnePlus 3T will be priced $80 higher than One Plus 3, which could be around $480 . Also rumored to use Sony IMX398 sensor .Rumors also say that this will use LCD display instead of AMOLED screen on the OnePlus 3 due to shortage, but the company’s co-founder Carl Pei already confirmed that the company is staying with Optic AMOLED screen for the foreseeable future.
specifications will be similar to OnePlus 3 It has a 6GB LPDDR4 RAM, 64GB or 128GB storage, 16MP rear camera with LED flash, 8MP front-facing camera, Fingerprint sensor, 4G VoLTE, USB Type-C, 3300mAh battery with Dash Charge, and the design are expected to remain the same as the original OnePlus 3, but it could run Android 7.0 (Nougat) out of the box.
OnePlus 3T to launch on November 15 and expected to be priced at $480
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