Redmi has launched the Redmi 10 smartphone in India. It comes with an HD+ Display, 6000mAh Battery. Here’s Redmi 10 6000mAh Battery Charging Time Test and Battery Test
Redmi 10 comes with a 10W Charger in Box it does support 18W Charging. WIth 10w box charger, it takes around 3 hours and 20 min to charge 6000mAh Battery fully. with an 18w charger, it takes around 3 hours.
Redmi 10 6000mAh Battery is able to deliver 2 days of battery life with normal usage. Overall performance is good, gaming performance is decent. In our battery test got we got around 10 hours of battery life.
Redmi 10 is priced at Rs 10,999 for 4GB RAM and Rs 12,999 for 6GB RAM. The base variant is good to buy if you are looking for a big display and big battery.