Yu has postponed its 19th May Event and now company has send out invites for May 31st Event where Yu will launch their new Flagship smartphone Yunicorn , Yu has released teaser which shows that the company’s CEO Rahul Sharma breaking a model of a ship with a hammer. The CEO says that this hints that the smartphone will break other flagships.
Regarding the upcoming flagship, YU’s Co-Founder and CEO, Rahul Sharma on the official forum said:Post the YUTOPIA launch, we have been working at a different clock speed and momentum to break all that’s conventional and boring. Excited to tell you all that our next device is round the corner and its nothing short of Incredible. It’s insanely beautiful and it will break some hearts. It will break records, it will break the conventional, it will break the rules…WAIT, it will break the flagships.
Yu Yunicorn will be launched on May 31st we will be knowing pricing and specs on May 31st
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