Datawind has launched its new tablet called the PC 7SC in India. Priced at Rs 2,999, it’s the most affordable Android tablet with voice calling support. The company has partnered with Reliance Communications and Telenor to bundle free internet access for a year with the PC 7SC tablet. The band has signed an agreement with Den Snapdeal TV-Shop to sell the slate through the retailer’s 24×7 TV channel.
The Datawind PC 7SC utilises the company’s web delivery platform, which promises to deliver the fastest web experience on regular GSM-EDGE networks. This tech reduces bandwidth consumption by factors of 10x to 30x, as per the claims. It’s said to deliver web pages even on congested GPRS networks in five to seven seconds
Datawind PC 7SC tablet offers a 7-inch WVGA display, and runs Android 4.4 KitKat. The slate is powered by a 1.3GHz processor, aided by 512MB of RAM. It comes with 4GB of expandable memory, a VGA rear camera, voice calling, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a micro-USB port. The tablet is backed by a 2,400mAh battery, which delivers up to eight hours of mixed usage.
Commenting on the launch, Suneet Singh Tuli, President and CEO of DataWind Inc. said, “The new range of smart-phones and tablets are powered with free unlimited Internet browsing for a year on Reliance Communications (RCom) and Telenor network.” “We are launching this tablet to address the forgotten billions, who are our largest constituent of digital age today. We are very confident that 7SC will impress everyone with its superior quality and innovation. The growing ambition of people will find the product within their reach, geographically as well as economically” added Tuli.
Commenting on the association, Maneesh Goel, CEO, DEN Snapdeal TV-Shop said “Our association with DataWind has been phenomenal. Their aggressive pricing strategy has enabled to capture the substantial pie of the tablet market in India. Tech products contribute to around 50-60% of our overall products category and we hope to even amplify the momentum with the sale of this product.”
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