Coolpad has launched Coolpad Note 3 Lite smartphone in India. It packs a 5-inch display, 1.3GHz Quad-Core 64-bit MediaTek MT6735 processor, and 3GB RAM. further expandable with a microSD card.
Note 3 comes with a 5.5-inch HD Display where as Note 3 Lite comes with a smaller 5-inch HD Display. Both devices has a 3GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage. Coolpad Note 3 and Note 3 Lite comes with Fingerprint Sensor at Back. Note 3 is packed with a 3000mAh Battery and Note 3 has a 2500mAh Battery.
Coolpad Note 3 Vs Coolpad Note 3 Lite
- 5.5-inchHD IPS display 5-inch HD IPS display
- 1.3GHz Octa-Core 64-bit MediaTek MT6753 processor 1.3GHz Quad-Core 64-bit MediaTek MT6735 processor
- Mali-T720 GPU Mali-T720 GPU
- 16GB internal storage 16GB internal storage
- microSD card support up to 64GB via microSD
- 13MP rear camera with LED Flash, f/2.0 aperture, 5P lens 13MP rear camera with LED Flash
- 5MP front camera 5MP front camera
- Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with Cool UI 6.0 Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with Cool UI 6.0
- Dual-SIM Dual-SIM
- 4G LTE. 3G 4G LTE. 3G
- WiFi WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
- Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.0
- 3000mAh battery 2500mAh battery
- Dimensions: 151×77×9.3mm; Weight: 155g Dimensions: 140.8 x 70.4 x 8.9mm; Weight: 152g
- Rs 8,999 Rs 6,999
Coolpad Note 3 was priced at Rs 8,999 now Coolpad has priced Note 3 Lite at Rs 6,999 which comes with 3GB RAM fingerprint scanner and will be exclusively available from through flash sale starting from 28th January.