Realme has launched the Realme Pad X tablet in China. It has an 11-inch 2K LCD screen with an 84.6% screen-to-body ratio powered by Snapdragon 695 SoC with up to 6GB of RAM and 128GB of Storage.
It runs on realme UI 3.0 for Pad based on Android. On-Camera, it has a 13MP rear camera and an 8MP 105° ultra-wide front camera. Packed by an 8340mAh battery with support for 33W fast charging
- 11-inch (2000 x 1200 pixel) 2K LCD screen with up to 450 nits brightness, DC dimming
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 6nm 5G SoC with Adreno 619 GPU
- 4GB RAM with 64GB storage / 6GB RAM with 128GB storage, expandable memory up to 512 with microSD
- Android 11 with realme UI 3.0 for Pad
- 13MP rear camera
- 8MP 105° ultra-wide front camera
- Quad Speakers, Dolby Atmos, Hi-Res Audio Certified
- 7.1mm thick; Weight:499g
- Wi-Fi 802.11 ac (2.4GHz/5GHz), Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, GLONASS, USB 2.0 Type-C
- 8340mAh battery, 33W fast charging
Realme Pad X comes in fluorescent green, sea blue, and star gray colours, priced at 1299 yuan for 4GB RAM and 1599 Yuan for 6GB RAM. realme stylus is priced at 499 yuan and the Smart Keyboard is priced at 399 yuan .
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