Zopo launched Speed 8 in India priced at Rs 29,999 it is powered by a Deca-Core MediaTek Helio X20 processor, Meizu also launched MX6 in China with Helio X20 SoC check out Specs, Price features comparison between Both devices.
Both Devices comes with 5.5-inch Display powered by a MediaTek Helio X20 Deca-Core 64-bit processor with 4GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. On Camera Zopo Speed 8 has a 21MP rear camera and 8MP front facing camera where as Meizu MX6 comes with a 12MP rear camera and 5MP front facing camera. both devices supports fingerprint Scanner
Zopo Speed 8 vs Meizu MX6
Display : 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD IPS display | 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) LCD display |
CPU: Deca-Core MediaTek Helio X20 processor | 2.3GHz GHz MediaTek Helio X20 Deca-Core 64-bit processor |
700MHz Mali-T880GPU | ARM Mali-T880 |
ROM 32GB internal storage | 32 GB internal memory |
Camera 21MP rear camera with dual LED Flash, PDAF, f/2.2 aperture, Sony IMX230 sensor | 12 MP rear camera with dual tone LED Flash, Sony IMX386 sensor, 6P lenses, f/2.0 aperture, |
8MP rear camera with LED flash | 5 MP front-facing camera, f/2.0 aperture |
Dual-SIM ,4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS, USB Type-C, NFC, USB OTG | 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n (2.4/5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.1 LTE, GPS, USB Type-C |
Fingerprint scanner | Fingerprint scanner |
Battery 3600mAh battery with fast charging | 3060mAh battery with fast charging |
OS- Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) | Flyme OS 5.5 based on Android 6.0 |
Dimensions: 152.5 x 76.35 x 9.8mm; Weight: 136g | Dimensions: 153.6x 75.2x 7.25mm; Weight: 155g |
Meizu MX6 is priced at 1999 Yuan in China where as Zopo Speed 8 is priced at Rs 29,999 in India
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