After OnePlus, Coolpad now According to teaser Xiaomi is all set to launch its VR on August 4in China. Xiaomi’VR will be designed with Daydream in mind. It will be affordable like Other Xiomi Products
According to earlier leaks, Xiaomi’s VR headset will be arriving in a few variants as the company wishes for it to fit all of Xiaomi’s current and upcoming smartphones.
Xiaomi’s VR headset will take cues from Google Daydream’s reference design, with the possibility of a VR controller similar to the one found with Daydream. Xiaomi might also be launching a new smartphone that is optimized and ready for Daydream.
Google’s requirements for Daydream are a Snapdragon 820 (and above) processor as well as an AMOLED screen. Xiaomi will be working closely with Google to keep Daydream on MIVR as close to stock as possible, which is a plus for developers.
Xiaomi will also be creating MIVR – a virtual reality version of MIUI. MIVR will come in the form of an app, where users will only need to put their phones into the Xiaomi VR headset, and it will automatically enter VR mode. In this mode, you will see your phone’s home screen and maybe a VR app marketplace for you to download more VR content.
No details on price yet More will be announced on August 1
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